Friday, November 9, 2012

Homemade Popcorn in a paper bag.

1/2 C of popcorn
1 t of vegetable oil
1/2 t salt or to taste

In a cup or small bowl mix together the unpopped corn and oil. Pour the coated corn into a brown paper lunch sack. You can put the salt in at this time or wait till later if adding butter. Fold the bag over twice or three times.
Cook in the microwave at full power for 2 1/2 or 3 minutes or until you hear pauses around 2 seconds between pops. Carefully open bag and pour into a bowl. Dress up the popcorn any way you want.

Ok I did this and found I needed 3 1/2 minutes to microwave the popcorn. I melted butter on the side and poured that over the popped popcorn and then added salt and stirred it around to distribute it. 

No more greasing up a pan, no more eating unhealthy microwave buttered popcorn, no more hearing that screeching noise of the pan being shook on the stove like fingernails on a blackboard. It's fast, it's easy and its also fun. 

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